Learn the connection between what you eat and how you feel. Join us each week as licensed nutritionists and dietitians from Nutritional Weight & Wellness share practical, real-life solutions for healthier living through balanced nutrition. For over 25 years, we’ve helped thousands of clients and listeners discover how real food – animal protein, healthy fat, nutrient-dense carbohydrates – can increase energy, stabilize moods, jumpstart metabolism, eliminate cravings, restore digestion, balance hormones and so much more! For recipes, articles and more, visit us at weightandwellness.com

Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Living with IBS
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
Sunday Jun 07, 2015
IBS stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Anytime the word “syndrome” is used in a diagnosis, it basically means that doctors don’t know the cause. It’s not a disease, it’s a cluster of symptoms. Instead of treating those symptoms with medications, we want to help those with IBS figure out what causes their intestinal tract to no work right. If you’re struggling with IBS symptoms, don’t miss this episode of Dishing Up Nutrition, were we talk about those causes and give you some ways to improve your gut health. Listen in with hosts Brenna Thompson, Cassie Weness and Marcie Vaske.

Sunday May 31, 2015
Mineral Deficiencies in Children and Adults
Sunday May 31, 2015
Sunday May 31, 2015
Medications, excessive heat, exercise,…these things deplete the body of important minerals. When you or your kids are deficient in certain minerals, you may experience leg and cramps, muscle spasms, racing heart, headaches, eye twitching, fatigue and more. Did you know that intense chocolate cravings may also be a sign of mineral deficiency? On this episode of Dishing Up Nutrition, hosts Darlene Kvist and Cassie Weness tell you the common causes of bodily deficiencies of iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium. Listen in as they and give you some simple solutions so you and your family get the minerals you need to start feeling better.

Tuesday May 26, 2015
Falling Off and Getting Back On Track
Tuesday May 26, 2015
Tuesday May 26, 2015
At Nutritional Weight & Wellness, we understand eating real food sounds easy, but most of us know it isn’t always easy. Processed food is so available and usually real food requires some cooking. On this episode, we talk about when you fall off your real food eating plan and how you can get back on track. Hosts Darlene Kvist and Britni Thomas welcome special guest Nell Kauls, a nutrition counseling client who lost 90 pounds and has kept it off. Nell truly understands what it’s like to get sidetracked from a healthy eating plan and she’s got some great tips to help you.

Monday May 18, 2015
Always Battling with Your Sinuses?
Monday May 18, 2015
Monday May 18, 2015
Are your allergies flaring up and causing you to have a stuffy nose, itchy and watery eyes, post nasal drip, headaches and leaving you feeling overall miserable? If this sounds like you, then tune into this episode of Dishing Up Nutrition as hosts JoAnn Ridout and Brenna Thompson talk all about allergies and sinus problems. We’ll give you nutrition tips on how to help your body stop reacting to pollen and mold along with some supplements that can help support your immune system. Listen in and start alleviating your sinus problems once and for all!

Monday May 11, 2015
Women and Anxiety
Monday May 11, 2015
Monday May 11, 2015
Did you know 40 million adult Americans are affected by anxiety? And anxiety disorder affects twice as many women compared to men. Anxiety disorders can impact relationships, jobs and quality of life. There's also a big economic burden with one-third of money spent on mental health costs going toward treating anxiety and 42 billion dollars per year being spent in the U.S. treating anxiety. On this episode, hosts Darlene Kvist, Kara Carper and Marcie Vaske talk about their personal experiences with anxiety and what they have done to have happier, calmer moods.

Tuesday May 05, 2015
Quality Water and Avoiding Dehydration
Tuesday May 05, 2015
Tuesday May 05, 2015
The human body is composed of 60 percent water so it’s important to drink plenty of it to keep your body functioning well. You may be surprised to learn that dehydration can lead to low energy, kidney stones, foggy thinking, headaches, muscle cramps, low mood and more. Are you drinking enough water each day? And is it quality water that you’re drinking? On this episode of Dishing Up Nutrition, hosts Cassie Weness and Kate Crosby welcome special guest Richard Grassie, owner of Richard’s Custom Water Systems, to talk all about water. Listen in to learn how to stay hydrated and healthy.

Monday Apr 27, 2015
Ask the Nutritionist _ April 25, 2015
Monday Apr 27, 2015
Monday Apr 27, 2015
This week Darlene and Kate answer your nutrition questions. Some questions asked during the show: What can my friend do to support rheumatoid arthritis naturally?, What are some ideas for snacks to take on the go?, and What supplements help nerve pain?

Sunday Apr 19, 2015
Menopause Symptoms? Food Makes a Difference
Sunday Apr 19, 2015
Sunday Apr 19, 2015
Every menopausal woman has her own unique symptoms and each requires a different solution. Sometimes the solution can be as simple as taking magnesium glycinate for sleep, but for many women it requires a whole lifestyle change. Along with menopause symptoms, menopausal women are often concerned about skin issues such as wrinkles and acne. Listen in as hosts Darlene Kvist, Katie Vigesaa and Tina Beehler answer all your menopause questions and let you know what you can do nutritionally to feel your best.

Sunday Apr 12, 2015
The Nutrition Connection to Hypertension
Sunday Apr 12, 2015
Sunday Apr 12, 2015
If you have hypertension, or high blood pressure, have you ever considered how your food choices effect your blood pressure numbers? Did you know high blood pressure is the most accurate predictor of cardiovascular disease? Hypertension is a very complicated topic with many different causes, but as nutritionists we want to share information about what foods increase blood pressure, what nutrients help to prevent high blood pressure and what supplements we recommend to help manage blood pressure issues. Listen in with hosts Darlene Kvist and Britni Thomas.

Sunday Apr 05, 2015
The Osteoporosis Prevention Plan
Sunday Apr 05, 2015
Sunday Apr 05, 2015
According to the World Health Organization, osteoporosis affects more than 75 million people in the United States, Japan and Europe. People living in developed countries have a 30-40 percent lifetime risk of experiencing a hip, vertebral, or wrist fracture. People often believe that to build strong bones, we just need to drink milk or supplement with calcium. However, bones are made from a lot more than just calcium. Recent research is pointing more to the importance of healthy fats in the diet as being supportive to bone health. What can you do to build strong bones? Listen in with hosts Brenna Thompson, JoAnn Ridout and Lea Wetzell to find out.