Learn the connection between what you eat and how you feel. Join us each week as licensed nutritionists and dietitians from Nutritional Weight & Wellness share practical, real-life solutions for healthier living through balanced nutrition. For over 25 years, we’ve helped thousands of clients and listeners discover how real food – animal protein, healthy fat, nutrient-dense carbohydrates – can increase energy, stabilize moods, jumpstart metabolism, eliminate cravings, restore digestion, balance hormones and so much more! For recipes, articles and more, visit us at weightandwellness.com

Sunday Jun 15, 2014
Hair Thinning and Loss
Sunday Jun 15, 2014
Sunday Jun 15, 2014
Hair is very important to most people and thinning hair can be very stressful. If you are struggling with thinning hair, know that once you get the correct nutrients to support your body chemistry, you will set yourself up for hair growth. We dug into the research and looked at our clinical experience and we have many answers for you if you have thinning hair. Listen in with hosts Darlene Kvist, Katie Vigesaa and JoAnn Ridout.

Sunday Jun 08, 2014
Ask the Nutritionist _ June 7th, 2014
Sunday Jun 08, 2014
Sunday Jun 08, 2014
This week Darlene and Brenna answer your nutrition questions.

Sunday Jun 01, 2014
The Downside of Gluten for the Brain
Sunday Jun 01, 2014
Sunday Jun 01, 2014
When you think about a person being gluten sensitive, digestive problems, Crohn’s Disease, GERD, Colitis, or IBS probably come to mind. But did you know that gluten can affect your brain? The good news is that you can reverse many of the symptoms of neurological, psychological and behavioral disorders by just going gluten free. Mood, depression, and focus can change all for the better. Listen in as Darlene Kvist and Cassie Weness teach you how to go gluten free for better brain health.

Monday May 26, 2014
Oh, My Aching Feet (Plantar Fasciitis and Neuropathy)
Monday May 26, 2014
Monday May 26, 2014
Controlled blood sugar and correcting vitamin and mineral deficiencies are key to overcoming the pain of neuropathy and plantar fasciitis. In addition, avoiding neurotoxins (artificial sweeteners, flavorings and colorings) and inflammatory foods (sugar, processed carbohydrates, and damaged fats) will help stop the burning and tingling sensations. Listen in with hosts Brenna Thomson and Kara Carper to learn more and discover what you can do to resolve neuropathy and plantar fasciitis.

Sunday May 18, 2014
Five Foods to Protect Your Eyesight
Sunday May 18, 2014
Sunday May 18, 2014
Eyesight is something we usually take for granted until it starts to fail. You may be surprised to learn that something as simple as balancing your blood sugar is important for good sight. Many people believe that developing cataracts, dry eye, blurred vision, night blindness or macular degeneration is a normal part of aging, but it doesn’t have to be. There is a lot you can do to better your eyesight and avoid chronic eye issues. Tune in to learn what foods and supplements will help improve your eye health with hosts Darlene Kvist, JoAnn Ridout and Katie Haarala.

Sunday May 11, 2014
Ask the Nutritionist May 10, 2014
Sunday May 11, 2014
Sunday May 11, 2014
On this episode we answer your questions! We address fatigue, cravings, hot flashes, peri-menopause, saturated fats, heart disease and more. Listen in as hosts Darlene Kvist and Lea Wetzell answer caller questions.

Sunday May 04, 2014
Osteoporosis: Are You at Risk?
Sunday May 04, 2014
Sunday May 04, 2014
Surprisingly, nine million adults have osteoporosis and 48 million adults have low bone density. Bones are living tissue and just like every other tissue in your body, they require nutrients. Not only do you need nutrients for strong bones, you also need a healthy body that’s set up to absorb those nutrients properly. Did you know that regular use of antacids impairs your body’s ability to absorb calcium? Learn why this is and much more with hosts Darlene Kvist and Kate Crosby as they talk about what you can do to strengthen your bones and decrease your risk for developing osteoporosis.

Sunday Apr 27, 2014
Manage Menopausal Mood Swings, Anxiety and Sleep Problems
Sunday Apr 27, 2014
Sunday Apr 27, 2014
Some women sail effortlessly through menstrual cycle changes and on to menopause with no issues. But for those of you having mood swings, hot flashes and sleep problems, this show is for you! Learn why starting your day with a breakfast of cereal, milk and a latte sets you up for unpleasant menopause symptoms. Balancing blood sugar, limiting caffeine and alcohol intake, healthy snack ideas, supplements, causes of estrogen dominance and more are addressed on the show. Listen in with hosts Kara Carper and JoAnn Ridout as they address all the very doable things you can do to have a more enjoyable life during menopause.

Sunday Apr 20, 2014
Vitamin E and Alzheimer’s with special guest Dr. Maurice Dysken
Sunday Apr 20, 2014
Sunday Apr 20, 2014
New research published by the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that vitamin E can be amazingly effective in reducing symptoms of Alzheimer’s. This research was conducted at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center and lead by Dr. Maurice Dysken. Listen in as Darlene Kvist and Brenna Thompson are joined by Dr. Dysken to learn more about this ground-breaking study and the effects of vitamin E on Alzheimer’s patients.

Sunday Apr 13, 2014
Relapse Prevention for Chronic Health Problems, Including Addiction
Sunday Apr 13, 2014
Sunday Apr 13, 2014
What happens when people with chronic illness relapse from their recovery plan? What if you have heart disease and you relapse? Or what if you have obesity and you relapse? Why does relapse occur? Is it lack of support? Too many cravings? A plan that just doesn’t work? Explore the topic of relapse prevention as it relates to addiction and chronic disease with hosts Darlene Kvist, Kate Crosby and special guest Nancy Lindgren—a recovering alcoholic of 30 years.